Thursday, September 2, 2010

International Human Rights Lawyer

Dr. Doebbler is an expert in international law, particularly international human rights law.

He has earned law degrees from New York Law School in the United States (a Juris Doctors); Nijmegen University in the Netherlands (a Meesterstitel in European law, comparative constitutional law and international law [europees recht, vergelijkende staatsrecht en volkenrecht]); and London School of Economics and Political Science (Ph.D. in public international law, specialized in international human rights law). He has also been awarded a diploma in Public International Law by the prestigious Hague Academy of International Law in the Den Haag, Nederland.

He earned first degrees in journalism and English literature from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, USA.

His clients have included heads of state, governments, non-government organizations and, particularly some of the most vulnerable and oppressed individuals in the world.

Dr. Doebbler practices law before the International Court of Justice, the African Commission and Court of Human and Peoples' Rights, the European Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Commission and Court of Human Rights, the United Nations Administrative Tribunal, and the United Nations Treaty bodies. Almost all of his work is pro bono. Click on the "Contact Dr Doebbler" tab to the left to find out how you can contact Dr. Doebbler about your case or a human rights violation anywhere in the world.

He does not usually take domestic cases, but may be involved as 'of counsel' or as cooperating counsel with lawyers on cases raising significant international law issues or constitutional issues of international importance.

He is also admitted to practice law in the United States in District of Columbia, the Court of Appeal of the Fourth Circuit, the US Court of Federal Claims, and the United States Supreme Court.

Currently he is also a Professor of Law at An-Najah National University and a visiting professor at Webster University (Geneva), and the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations. He often lectures at conferences and at universities around the world.

Dr. Doebbler works with about two dozen volunteers around the world at any one time. They are individuals who are committed to promoting and protecting international human rights law and have been selected from among dozens of applicants. Many are former students, some are lawyers or professor of law, all work with Dr. Doebbler under his close supervision.

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